Foreign origin, raised in the US
The title of this blog describes the nature of many Asian dishes in the US. They somewhat resemble the original but they taste and look a bit different. Pad Thai, for example, looks and tastes quite a bit different from the original Pad Thai in Thailand. Pad Thai dishes in Thailand are usually made with shrimp, and look a bit pinkish. The food portion is not very much as it is not uncommon for Thai people to have multiple dishes during a meal. Here in the US, you can have Pad Thai with almost every kind of meat, and the food portion is huge.

A pinkish Pad Thai dish in Thailand has a smaller portion, and more variety of ingredients than that in the US.

The US version of Pad Thai typically has a large portion of noodles, and a few ingredients. The food portioin is easily threefold of an original Pad Thai dish.
by Basil Rice - Asian food | Thai food Brookline